

Engraving Japan's Original Landscape in Memory


  MALAMA MONSTERA is a villa with a garden.
For those who want to spend a relaxing and leisurely time in a peaceful environment, please come and stay with your dog, go swimming with your family, camp with a tent in the garden, surf, go on vacation, play golf, or just enjoy the star-filled sky and Genji fireflies.
It is a very quiet vacation home and the best place to relax for those who are tired of city life.
Isumi City, where the villa is located, has attracted the attention of many prospective immigrants and is ranked first in the list of the best places to live in the countryside.
We hope you will enjoy the delicious food of Isumi City and spend a relaxing time in our home, surrounded by plants and looking at the garden.
We look forward to welcoming you.


Building Details


Address    :307-4 Oharadai, Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture
House area   :137㎡
Type      :reserving a villa
Facilities   :all-electric
Parking     : free parking for one car※For more than 2 units, please contact us before your own.
Capacity    :2-6 persons
Dogs      : Up to large dogs OK,Please contact us for the number of dogs.
Length of stay:1 night to 3 months

Facilities Details


Air conditioning  :Air conditioner, Air cleaner with humidification function, Kerosene heater, Dyson fan
Bedding       :6 sets of futon
Cookingware     :Rice cooker, Refrigerator, Microwave, Kettle, BBQ grill, Cutting board, Knives, Pans, Pots, Dishes, Dishwasher, Seasonings (salt, pepper, soy sauce, etc.), Juicer, Hot sandwich maker, Pressure cooker, Cooking pro, Tabletop induction stove, Coffee machine (beans/powder, Nespresso capsule type), Water filter
Amenities      :Shampoo, Treatment, Body soap, Hand soap, Hair dryer, Hair iron, Hair brush, Hair clip ※Please bring your own toothbrush, bath towel, and face towel.Bath towels and face towels are 500 yen per pair (excluding tax). Please pay on site.
Laundry       :Washing machine with dryer, Laundry soap, Fabric softener, Laundry net, Clothes-drying stand
Office space      :High-speed wifi (free of charge)
Amusement     :Living room 75-inch TV, Japanese-style room TV (Netflix, Amazon Prime, U-NEXT unlimited viewing), Aerobic bike, Dumbbells, Yoga mat
Safety        :Fire extinguisher, Fire alarm, Flashlight




By car
From the Tokyo area, it takes about 1 hour from the Ken-O Expressway (Ichihara Tsurumai IC) via the Aqualine to Ohara Oyado Golf Course.
By train
From Tokyo Station, take the limited express Wakashio and get off at Ohara Station on the JR Sotobo Line in 1 hour and 20 minutes. It takes about 15 minutes from the station by cab.
Emitas Taxi Minamisou Co.
Naniwa Taxi Co.
Nanso Taxi Co.



Please be sure to check before making a reservation.

          • Accommodation Precautions
            1. Smoking is not permitted in any of the accommodation buildings. Please bring your own portable ashtray and smoke on the terrace.
            2. Fireworks, bonfires, aroma candles, and firearms (BBQ stoves, charcoal rings, lanterns, etc.) are not allowed on the premises of the accommodation.
            3. Please do not set off fireworks, rocket fireworks, etc., even outside the accommodation premises.
            4. Please do not listen to loud music or disturb others or local residents. Also, although BBQ is not prohibited after 8:00 p.m., please refrain from loud conversations. Acts that offend public order and morals are strictly prohibited. We ask for the moderation of our guests.
            5. Please do not do anything that could damage the lawn. Please do not defecate on the lawn, use fire, or practice golf approaches. Also, please do not damage the trees, flowers, or indoor plants in the yard.
            6. Access by anyone other than guests is strictly forbidden. If such an incident is observed, the guest will be required to pay an additional amount for the night, regardless of whether or not he/she stays at the hotel.
            7. Use of this accommodation by minors only is strictly prohibited.
            8. In the event of any damage to the accommodation or the premises, the guest shall be liable for such damage regardless of whether it is intentional or negligent.
            9. The accommodation fee includes utilities (electricity, gas, and water), but if there is excessive use of utilities beyond the socially accepted norm, a separate charge will be made.
            10. We are not responsible for any accidents, illness, injury, theft, or loss that may occur in our accommodations. Please take full responsibility for the management of your valuables.
            11. This facility is only for the purpose of accommodating guests. In principle, filming for business purposes is prohibited. If you wish to use the facility for purposes other than lodging, please contact us in advance to clarify the purpose and period of use.
            12. If a guest is found to be in violation, we will suspend his/her stay and will not refund the accommodation fee. In addition, you will not be allowed to use this accommodation in the future.
            13. Check-in time must be strictly observed. If you are significantly late, the host may change the check-in time. When checking out, please restore the room to its original condition. (Please do not take any of the furnishings home with you.) If you are late, you will be charged an extra hourly fee for each additional hour. Please be careful of lost and found items. If you wish to have your lost and found mailed to you, you will be charged a handling fee and postage costs.Please note that we will dispose of any lost and found items if we are not notified within one week of the check-out date.
            14. Please take off your shoes in the house and use the guest rooms clean. If you soiled the bedding, it will need to be cleaned and you will be charged for the cleaning fee.
            15. Stoves must be turned off at bedtime.
            16. Always lock and close the garden door to allow animals to enter.
            17. To prevent insects, etc., from entering the room, open windows and doors must be closed before going to bed.
          • Pet Precautions
            1. One large dog is allowed. Please bring your own gage and keep your dog in the gage when indoors. Please do not let your dog out of the cage indoors, but only on the lawn, and please interact with your dog.
            2. ​Please do not defecate on the lawn as it will cause the lawn to die. Please keep your toilets in the gauge. Please be sure to bring your own pee sheet.
            3. ​All dogs brought with you must be under the responsibility and control of their owners. We will not be held responsible for any accidents, damage to neighbors, injuries, escapes, or deaths that may occur during your stay due to your dog.
            4. ​Your dog's gauge should be placed in the brown mat area just inside the front door.
            5. ​Dogs must be well-behaved indoor dogs, have strict toilet manners, and not bark or destroy facilities to be allowed to stay. Outdoor dogs are not allowed to stay.
            6. Please take measures to eliminate fleas and ticks, such as shampooing within 5 days.
            7. If your dog is menstruating or may menstruate in the near future, please take appropriate precautions such as wearing mannequin pants.
            8. Please bring your dog's rabies vaccination certificate. Dogs infected with skin diseases or other diseases are not allowed to stay. Veterinary hospitals nearby: Sotobo Veterinary Hospital, Isumi Veterinary Hospital, Affine Veterinary Hospital
            9. Dogs are free to play in the grass yard. However, please do not allow dogs to play alone or stay unattended without the supervision of their owners.
            10. In the unlikely event that your dog has behaved roughly, we ask that you take immediate action. Also, please be sure to report this fact to us when you check out.
            11. Please be sure to clean up after your pet, leaving no loose hairs, etc. in the room.
            12. Never shampoo or trim your pet in the bathroom or outside wash area. Please wash or wipe your feet in the outside washing area before entering the room.
            13. In the unlikely event of damage caused by your dog (scratches on exterior walls, interior walls or floors, stains on sofas, etc.), you will be billed for the actual cost.
          • Trash Precautions
            1. Please dispose of used toilet paper in the toilet bowl. Do not flush anything other than toilet paper.
            2. Please cooperate in separating garbage. Please dispose of combustible garbage, PET bottles, cans and bottles in the designated garbage bins.
            3. Please dispose of BBQ waste in the garbage cans located outside. Reusable charcoal can be placed in the extinguisher and used for the next BBQ. All other ashes should be placed in the blue brazier.
            4. Please dispose of your dog's pee-pee in the trash can located outside. Please flush only dog feces down the toilet.






 ※ Go to Airbnb website

 MALANA, is a Hawaiian word meaning "compassion.
MONSTERA is also characterized by its leaves that split as it grows,
The light that shines through the large leaf slits is said to "guide the light of hope,
It is considered a lucky houseplant.
The flower language of MONSTERA, "happy encounter," means that it will bring good relationships and good encounters that will bring hope.
It also means that it brings us good encounters and good relationships. We hope that such encounters will come to our guests and us,
We named it "MALAMA MONSTERA" in the hope that such encounters will happen to our guests and us.
We would like to welcome our guests with a "caring heart".
We hope you will spend a relaxing time in a quiet villa area and in the richness of nature.